Wosuper Food Co.,Ltd

What We Do

We provide Chinese food and  service for manufactures, importers and distributors, grocery stores, restaurant chains and processors in global market. Most of our foods are displayed in Asia market, restaurant, chains and stores.

Chinese sausage


dry chicken

dry fish

Chinese Sausage

Live Crayfish

Air-dried Chicken

Dry Fish

lutos seed


rice winefish cake

Lutos Seed

Water Chestnut

Xiaogan Rice Wine

Fish Cake


Natural,healthy,tasty,safety----all foods are adopted by traditional ancient process and modern test technology. Featured with natural historical city from and around Yangzte River in China,Hubei local food retains our ancient dainty and local special food culture. With the development of society, the delicious food is more and more popular at home and spread  abroad. If you are looking for the food tickling your taste buds,Hubei local special is the must one.