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How to enjoy Chinese rice wine ?


Tian Jiuniang, also known as Chinese rice wine , fermented glutinous rice. Chinese people began to drink such wine over 2000 years ago. it is a popular food and good for beauty.

How to enjoy Chinese rice wine recipe?

 Chinese rice wine

1. Direct consumption method. purple Chinese rice wine  is high sweetness,  the taste of Wosuper Chinese rice wine  is completely different from ordinary fermented rice.

Chinese rice wine osmanthus

2. After the fermented diluted, added Osmanthus or roses, Chinese rice wine is preferred because the Mid-Autumn Festival is when the osmanthus flowers are in full bloom. Drinking the wine signifies family reunions and a happy life.

Summer add some water in the Chinese rice wine  in the refrigerator to make cold, refreshing and pleasant; winter, do boil hot, nutritious and delicious.

Chinese rice wine eggs

3. You can also dilute Chinese rice wine  into the eggs or egg is boiled, the same hot and cold drinks are good.

Chinese rice wine dumpling

4 This method can also be Chinese rice wine  dumpling, fermented rice flour child.